Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Whatcha Got There? Faith? Or Is It Faith in Faith?

..."Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord Almighty - Zechariah 4:6

One of the things that always bothered me was just how dour a Christian might be. Typically it is some form of, "Well just look at the world would you. The world is going to Hell in a hand basket."

It's this very situation that gives us peace and joy and a right and positive attitude because despite this our God is in control Our God is still mighty. Our God still has each of us in the palm of His hand; knows our ways and will never leave or forsake us!

God's people should be the most positive, joyful people on earth. This joy should be a by-product of a healthy, intimate relationship that Jesus came to restore between each of us and God the Father.

As I got up this morning I was thinking about business. Usually during the work week my mornings are given especially to interaction with my clients. In today's business climate, we are barraged with every possible means of becoming more productive believers both in our work and our homes. Though I would have thought it would have passed from the scene like another fad, positive thinking and self-help philosophy are still promoted as tools for the career minded and vocational believer to fulfill their potential and overcome the mountains in their lives. A sort of god sprinkled, "go go go - rah rah rah" attitude about our faith, the power of believing, the upside of knowing all we have in Christ still permeates much of today's literature aimed at giving us purpose and provision.

So, I want to run something by you and let's see if you agree with it, "God calls each of us to be visionary leaders, but we must be careful that vision is born out of His Spirit, not the latest self-help program." A godly power point cradles us in the peace and knowledge that our God reigns in our life. Any idea that leads us away from dependence on God, though it calls His name to bear to bless our effort is nothing more than a self-based psychology designed to falsely provide us with a sense of more power, prosperity, and significance. The problem is that God is in the small still voice. God is in the service and not in the lording to be great. God is in the desperate understanding that it is in HIM and not His principles that we are strong towers. We are weak and that is our strength. He is strong and that is sufficient for me!

When we put faith in our faith the result is heresy. Our faith in God must never be defined as faith in faith. Faith in faith is born out of hard work, mental toughness, positive thoughts and diligence rather than obedience to God's Spirit. The problem lies in that these philosophies of have faith sound good, and can even be supported by Bible verses. Beware of anything that puts the burden of performance on you rather than God. There are times in our lives when God doesn't want us to climb every mountain. Sometimes He wants us to go around it. Knowing the difference is the key to being a man or woman led by the Spirit.

God has called us to affect the workplace through His Spirit, not by our might. Have you tapped into the real power source of the soul? Jesus left earth so the Holy Spirit could show up (it says so, look it up) Ask the Lord to reveal and empower you through His Spirit today. Then you will know what real positive thinking is.

I remain...


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