Thursday, May 27, 2010

Walking Humbly With My God

I know, my God, that You test the heart and are pleased with integrity - 1 Chronicles 29:17a

This last week I came once again, face-to-face, with the notion that God uses all things to accomplish His will. That means no evil occurs that He does not get the glory and honor as well as every gift and good grace that we deem a blessing.


God tests His children to know what is in their hearts. He uses every tool, object lesson, event and contingent event to do so.


He has not as of yet, run out of new and creative ways to do this.


For God the key is relationship. God's desire for each of His children is to walk in relationship with Him, to glorify Him in word and deed as we uphold His righteousness and integrity. It is a high calling that we will fail to achieve without complete dependence on Him.

I am convinced, having watched God's people over the last few years here in the United States and abroad that the greatest tests come not in great adversities, but in great prosperity. In having much we begin to lose the sensitivity to particular kinds of sin in our lives. Greed, selfishness and pride come to mind as the top three sins in my own heart that I must be on guard about when things are going well.  On the other hand adversity motivates us to righteousness out of a desire to see our plight changed. I'm not sure this is the primary reason we are in our predicaments but, none the less, we are more sensitive to a lack of God's presence when times are tough. We go seeking Him. We want to know if He is still there, hearing us and available to us. Prosperity fails to provide this motivation for obedience. We fall into a satisfaction and confidence in life that is based on our riches rather than on God and truly on our need for Him everyday.

In the little verse of scripture at the top of this posting we find Hezekiah who was a great godly king of Israel speaking. He was a faithful, God-honoring king most of his life, but toward the end he became proud. How many of us know we can even become proud in that we have established a relationship with God?


God wanted to find out if Hezekiah would still honor Him and recognize His blessings in his life. He failed the test when God sent an envoy to his palace to inquire about a miracle that God performed on behalf of Hezekiah. The test was designed to find out if Hezekiah would publicly acknowledge the miracle performed on his behalf. But when envoys were sent by the rulers of Babylon to ask him about the miraculous sign that had occurred in the land, God left him to test him and to know everything that was in his heart (2 Chronicle 32:31).

Hezekiah's failure resulted in his children failing to carry on as rulers of Israel, and the nation would eventually be taken over by the Babylonian Empire. The lesson of Hezekiah is clear. If we remain faithful to our Lord, we also remain steadfast in our obedience to Him. Prosperity can be our greatest test. In your mind who made you wealthy? Ask the Lord to give you the grace to be a faithful follower during times of prosperity so that in the times when things are a little thinner, a little leaner, you understand and are sensitive to those messages as well.


I remain...


InHISgrip, ~J~



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