Monday, July 27, 2009

A Midget, A Dwarf or Just a y'Ittle Thing?

Who despises the day of small things? - Zechariah 4:10

Most of our earthly existence is a series of small events that can amount to something enormous!

Take God for instance and His invasion of earth.

Have you ever considered why the God of the universe came to earth and spent 33 years identifying with mankind through work?

Jesus grew up as a carpenter's son and, there is little doubt that he learned carpentry by assisting good old dad. It is likely that from his teen years until age 29 or 30 He worked. And, most likely it was in his father's profession.

When it was time for Him to begin to fulfill His purpose for mankind, He told countless stories of people and their work. He told stories of landowners, farmers, fishermen, tax collectors, potters, clergy and more. He related to the everyday man because He participated and was one of them. This is why it was important for Him to have some personal work experience.

Friends and family we all know that our existence here on the blue marble (er...planet earth) is filled with daily routines. It is true that every now and then, God takes us to the mountaintop to experience His presence or His power in an unbelievable, amazing and stunning display. But let me ask you, is this where we live? Do we live for the next "big thing" from God? Is that your faith?

Well, believe it or not those during Jesus' earthly life, or those at the times of the apostles after Him didn't live daily in a mountaintop. Going back before Jesus but certainly to a time we know God moved mountains (or seas) Moses spent 40 years in preparation. Paul spent a great deal of his life working toward the wrong purpose until a dramatic event changed his life. Jacob spent 20 years working for his future father-in-law (who, while still working, was his father-in-law and still a shyster) Laban.

God uses our daily routines to develop stick-to-it-ness, persistence, focus and character qualities that He plans to use at the appropriate time for His glory and honor.

My experience is that it is in the small things we develop trustworthiness with God. The day-in and day-out grind of huimdrumlife molds you and I and makes us into what the desires of God's heart! How about them apples?

Now, I don't know but that God may still be preparing you for something far greater. For now, however, you are learning the daily lessons of small things. Pray that you will be faithful in a little because the promise of it is pretty amazingly awesome n' cool!

I remain...


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Whom God Chooses

So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the Lord told him, "Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink" - Judges 7:5

Growing up on the south side of Chicago (albeit in the better side of town) fights were a daily occurrence. Gangs were a little less common but visible. I knew a couple of classmates who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, completely outnumbered. They weren't aware of the danger (or they were just goofy) and they were not prepared for what was about to ensue.

In a firefight a small group, that has the right strategic position and with the right weaponry can surgically dismember a larger contingency. The key is the preparation of the body, the mind and the heart in order to pull it off. But what lunatic wants to put themselves in that kind of a position, with those odds and that level of "downside."

How about this would you ever take on an army of 100,000 with, oh, say, 300 men? From a self-serving and survival kind of sense it sounds like you would have to be part of the lunatic fringe doesn't it ?

You will get no argument from this guy I gotta tell ya.

Gideon though had precisely this situation. He started wit the odds stacked against him at 10:1 (10,000 for Gideon vs. 100,000 for the bad guys). That didn't suit God though. He would command him to pare it down. Otherwise, especially at 10:1 Gideon and his men would be tempted to pat themselves on the back for a job well done. would not allow Gideon to fight with this many soldiers, because the temptation would still remain to believe that it was the strength of his army that won the victory. God told Gideon to pare down his army to a mere 300. This would ensure that God would receive total credit for the victory. This is a law in the Kingdom of God. All glory must go to Him. Announce now to the people, 'Anyone who trembles with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead.' So twenty-two thousand men left, while ten thousand remained - Judges. 7:3

Now there are 10,000 men left but that was still too many. God gave Gideon an interesting selection method for the 300 as he took the men down to the water. There the Lord told General Gideon, Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink - Judges 7:5b

What was the significance of this? What do you think?

Those soldiers who lapped water like a dog were soldiers who were more aware of the enemy around them compared to those who kneeled to drink. The "lappers" were men who were on constant guard to the danger around them, keeping their eyes up, their ears perked and clearly having their wits and senses in full, on-guard mode. The others, in God's wisdom, not so much.

I desire to be part of God's elite army. Where my feet tread I desire that God's enemies tremble.I pray that it is your desire as well. If this is to be true of us then we must be battle ready. We must be sensitive to the spiritual dangers around us and fully armed to take them on. In Ephesians 6:10-13 Paul's expectations for his spiritual children is that they are strong in God, in His might, wearing the armor that God Himself provided.

We must be conscious of the world around us, be in this world but realize that our training and sensitivity needs to be toward our homeland, the Kingdom of God. We need to have our hearts set on God's strategies and tactics and plans so that when the order is given, or the situation presents itself, we know how to respond. We are to stand and deliver love to a dying world and death blows to Satan and his minions. Be sober-minded and vigilant. Your enemy the devil prowls about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour - 1 Pet. 5:8

Beware of the spiritual dangers around you. But more than this, listen to the command post. There is a battle to be fought today and I want to hear that your kill rate exceeds 10:1. God's standard is 3000:1 - surely we are that good! I remain...


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Are We Self-Made or Is that Un-Made?

You may say to yourself, "My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me" - Deuteronomy 8:17

Over the weekend a friend moved into their beautiful new home here in Mesa, Arizona. While we were trying to manipulate some large piece of furniture we had an exchange where the phrase, "Can I ask you a question?" came up. It gave rise to his sharing with me a story that, as an 11 year old in a grain field in Wisconsin he asked that very same question one day to his father. His father's response was, "No!"

He never asked him another question. Ever.

I would say that the hurt his father caused, the hurt this man felt, created a person that was so deeply offended that the concept of self-made man, or, man's man has been his creed. He might feel it deeper than most.

The unapproachable father...

We've all heard someone say, "He's a self-made man." What are they saying in this statement? Usually it is a statement about the determination and the strength of purpose and character someone has shown in the pursuit of their goals, their lifestyle or position? In my friends case he worked hard because often, having gleaned the bare essentials of the information needed, he worked alone and learned the hard lessons in solitude.

Many a person has achieved success through honest hard work. There is a sadness to the story above though isn't there? That little story provides us the backdrop to perhaps create an understanding of those who have a perception that has both strengthened them but perhaps also hindered them in their walk in Christ.

I often smile and many times laugh when someone looks at my resume and exclaims, "My! You've done so much! This is amazing!" They don't know all the people it took to make my resume look like it does; literally hundreds and probably thousands.

There is a danger for any of us who may have achieved significance through our work. That danger is the belief that we achieved it through our own efforts apart from God's grace and mercy. When we're convinced of this and embrace it as a core, personal belief, we internally embrace a kind of personal entitlement, rights and privileges. We have earned and feel we deserve all we have and usually more than that as well!

In the life story that Jesus told of the prodigal (St. Luke 15:11-32), we find the wayward son had a brother. Once the prodigal came home, was restored in his relationship to his father, this other son refused to celebrate the return of his once lost/now found brother's return. After all, he had been the good son. He had stuck it out. He stayed behind. He had never demanded anything of his father. He gave self and not a godly heart and heritage for the reasons he was faithful to his responsibilities. Why was he not being given or why had he NOT EVER been given the kind of attention this loser brother of his was now receiving?

What was his problem? What problem does anyone face who thinks it is their work, their effort, their character, their integrity...?

In the case of this brother he couldn't embrace mercy and grace. He didn't get his brother's failure and the pain of falling into a lost, separated and sinful life. This personal pride kept the "good brother" from experiencing God's real grace and learning a lesson in love; how to extend grace and kindness to those who do not deserve it and see how it miraculously changes lives!

Do you want to know how legalism develops? Have you heard that term in your church or amongst your friends. Well check that story out about the Prodigal Son and his brother. Legalism is the outcome of the continual practice of taking for your own personal credit and comparing it to the actions of others. Comparing ourselves to what others have and get versus our much more righteous life and position is what creates the growth and development of a cold heart and an insensitive attitude toward others who may have stumbled in their lives. This same "righteous" brother did not truly understand the love of his father apart from works; for he felt he gained acceptance only by doing his job.

Is that how you view God? If so, shame on you! Your God is not the father who said, "NO! You can't communicate with me. Do better! Do more!", your Father sent His Son - Jesus and paid off your debt and you did NOT deserve it, nod did I...nor do I deserve His grace and mercy daily though it is there.

Do you feel accepted by God, regardless of what you do? Perhaps a family culture of, "do it yourself, by yourself, for yourself" is the way you were raised. In the breadth of our lives and the narrowness of the calling that God has placed on your life there are dangers, minefields to avoid.

Today, with me, let us be encouraged and realize that God has gifted us to accomplish anything and incredible mighty things! But these are done through and with His grace, and, as His kids, not by our works.

I remain...


Friday, July 10, 2009

Walking in the Ointment!

So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power.... - 1 Samuel 16:13

I recall hearing these words of a country pastor at a David Wilkerson rally as a teenager (Anyone remember The Cross and the Switchblade?), "God desires that you always walk in the ointment!" I recall thinking to myself, "Ewwww!!! God!!! C'mon! - not that!" Well I have since learned there are differences between the ointment that my grandma used to put on everything that ached (and that made me wish I had no olfactory senses) and God's unique and unusual calling in the life of one of his kids.

The anointment or anointing is to be desired by Christians. God does have a plan for your life. It is that you lose it in His and that you do it when He touches you, gives you not only direction but power!

So the question is, how has the Holy Spirit of the Lord rested on your life? And a follow-up, can you recall when God's Spirit began demonstrating His power through you? When was it? Where was it? How did it express itself?

David knew the day the Spirit of the Lord began a special work in him. God's Spirit is different from most leaders. Instead of seeking power and control, He led, provided inner guidance, wisdom and direction in response to a felt and physical need. Instead of being a perfect person, the spirit revealed to David and David learned from mistakes and acknowledged them among those to the nation of Israel.

DAvid caught on. Do not place confidence in your own abilities. And he sought wisdom from the only real wise one and sage, the Lord God Almighty.

Because of his learned sensitivity to the leading of God on his life, this anointing, David never lost a battle. It was true that he failed God by sinning with Bathsheba and by numbering the troops after God told him not to specifically, but King David learned from each misstep. He took his medicine. Sin cost him dearly. But, the Spirit of the Lord never left David. The Holy Ghost never left because David was always tender, sensitive and had his heart and ear bent toward God. David's pride was never greater, in his human mind, than God's call.

So, as Vizzini says in the Princess Bride, "So, now it comes down to you and now it comes down to me." You, if you know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior you have a calling on your life. How are you responding? Tender? Sensitive to God's Spirit? You need to know God will not allow that Spirit to rest on us if we are prideful. If we seek to control outcomes and manipulate out of our need for power or yes, even our of our insecurity. Servant leaders are aware they're only a clay pot in the Master Potters hands. They serve a purpose. They are pliable. They don't value themselves more than they ought but realize that they do have eternal value as long as they stay in HIS grip.

King David's heart, though he was imperfect, belonged totally to His God. Today, with me, let's once more give God our all and commit to having a hearing spirit so the Great Holy Spirit of God may begin His job of leading us into all truth and the adventure of an eternal lifetime!

I remain...


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ah, the Dead Life!

In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus - Romans 6:11

So, yesterday morning I awoke and lay there in bed. It was 5:47AM (ah, the digital clock). As I did a thought struck me. I closed my eyes and folded my hands over my chest to form a sort of "X".

I lay still - as if I were dead.

Why do such a thing?

Let me ask a question, what life experiences, what thoughts, what aspirations, what are the elements of your life that raise your blood pressure most quickly to its highest levels? My challenges with obnoxious drivers (defined as anyone who does not drive as I wish them to) are legendary. For you it might be those times you feel wrongfully accused. In our current economic condition perhaps it is that you are out of work or, as a result are watching the little savings you had dwindle to nothing.

At what point do the injustices being done to us become sin within us?

A friend of mine, Os Hillman would suggest it is when we move past the emotion and into attitudes of anger toward God. This is a form of faithlessness. Our faithlessness says that circumstances of life dictate anxiety, worry, fear, or anger and we justify and feed those thoughts and exacerbate those feelings until we believe God's inability in us to overcome.

Do you have situational faith? Are you full of faith when life is smooth?

So, I lay there. As I did I though through Romans 6:11. Just what are the attributes of a dead man? How does he handle life's assignments? Is there anger when whispers come up about him or his actions? Nope. What are his thoughts about the future as he looks at his current resources? Nope, no comparative thinking moves him at all. As a matter of fact he has no care or concern whatsoever about what can happen in the physical (emotional, mental, metaphysical, etc. etc.) at all!

Why? Er...well, he's DEAD!. Nothing can harm a dead man.

Paul wrote that we're to live as if we're dead - dead to the temptation of responding to stimuli in our life that are designed to stir up the sinful nature that resides in each of us. We associate ourselves with our Savior. His death meant that the world was simply no longer a nuisance. In the same way, we are to view our existence as not coming from the daily cares. The world, our job, the family and our relationships are not the wellspring of life - Jesus Christ Himself is!

Jesus is sufficient. As our "all in all" He will move us and provide for us and it is in Him we have our identity. If we are moved by current trends or our own weakness, then Christ is not our all in all. Today, I purpose to give Him just that much more of me and I include that part both He and I know I sweat over...

"All to thee my blessed Savior - I surrender all!" (and remain)


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Got Faith? Now You Are in For it!

We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life - Romans 6:4

Is this generation of Christians yet over two concepts that I look at as the decay on teeth of Christianity? The church, God's people are just about to have a breakthrough, revival; we are about to overcome and then these two show up and spoil the victories.

Wanna know what they are? How about:

1. Easy believism - I said the prayer and so I am saved. If I say a thing long enough and hard enough it will come to pass! "Believe and receive!"

2. God will give me the lusts of my hea er...the desies of my heart...Can you see the problem with this one? We get NOTHING from our dad when it is not a good thing nor when we want it for our own selfish reasons. We can expect zippo when, as God's children we are nothing but grabby, lil' kid, gimme gimme gimme's!

If we commit ourselves to live for Christ our faith will create consequences. I'm convinced we'd avoid much hardship and life could be much smoother, easier should we not choose to live a God honoring earthly existence of faith in Jesus. I am convinced this is a spiritual principle upon which the law and the prophets exist. There isn't a truly God fearing Christian anywhere who identifies with Jesus, His Life and the Cross that isn't going to have hassles in life because of their faith.

Accepting Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior begins a journey. In this journey Jesus forms a spiritual circumcision on us all (ladies, you are in on this too!). It is designed to extract the world form our spirits, our souls and our mind. If you meant it, if you truly embraced Jesus you will be a part of this.

One of the fathers of our faith, Moses is one Old Testament example we can look back on to give us a glimpse of our future in Christ. He had been given a lifetime of preparation from God to fulfill God's call on his life to free the Jews from the tyranny of their Egyptian captors. "Mo" spent years in training. When young he lived in the court, literally as part of the family of Pharaoh. It was then that tried to free the people through the flesh by killing an Egyptian. That cost him 40 years in the desert of hardship and I am sure heartache before God's alternative plan, through Moses (still) had Moses prepped to free Israel. (Thank God the Jews didn't know how long they waited because of one man's sin. See how your actions change outcomes?)

God plowed time and effort into this one man; however, this prep wasn't enough. God simply can't mold us. We still have to cooperate. We still have to obey. In this case it didn't just cost Moses. Nope. Unh-uh. God required Mo's family to be circumcised. To make it worse Moses failed to circumcise his son before returning to Egypt. This was so important to God that He was going to kill Moses if he did not uphold his commandment. At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill him - Ex. 4:24 - This faith in what God says thing...God takes it seriously. By the way, isn't it great that God can be moved when we repent?

Thank you Lord Jesus!

This is getting long - to the point...What areas in your life have you not put under the Lordship of Christ? Where do you lack the faith to trust God. You have to know this is why you can't be obedient to Him without trust, faith. Ergo, you can't be used fully by God. Ergo you won't truly be happy. Today, confess your lack of faith in Jesus. Speak out your indecision to give Him certain're life will change...maybe but a little, maybe painful for the moment...but there will be more joy tomorrow than there was today - HE Promises! I remain...
