Friday, January 7, 2011

When Your Mentors Speak Pay Attention!

The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the LORD - 1 Sam 3:19-20

As a boy growing up there was a lot of things that were cool about my neighborhood. First, you could always step outside and find someone out there who could play. Secondly, we played sports year around. We could always gather enough guys to play baseball in the Summer. hockey, Football, in the winter and basketball in Spring and Fall. But, in our neighborhood baseball was king. It just played out that way. We did them all but loved baseball. Baseball was my sport. I grew to be good at it. And, as good a player as I was I found I was even a better baseball strategist and historian. This is not pride on my part, but merely a fact.

For all of my talent in and around baseball and for all my desire to have a life in and around baseball it never has been that way. God has directed my life into business and showed me an interesting mix of how that life, along with family and social life works as ministry. The way I view life, the culmination of all of my life experiences have combined to create the calling I am living out today. Those of you who know me know I center my life as a mentor, pastor and teacher of others. I, and sometimes poorly, pastor a small group, I mentor the men, I consult and work in the franchise industry to help people understand small business and, from time to time also work with the franchises themselves.

Similarly as we mature in life, God uses our parents, teachers, uncles, coaches, mentors and forms of spiritual leadership (pastors, missionaries, evangelists, Christian authors, etc.) to affirm our gifts and callings. I found, especially when I was young that it often seems like these people are attempting to steer our lives. Something shiny, noisy and bright has caught our attention and they are trying to keep us on some other, familiar and maybe more tried and true (i.e. boring) path. But it appears not what we want to do but what they want us to do. However, God uses authority figures to provide key direction during key times (the early teen and twenty-something years). He uses these people to help guide us to the ultimate purposes He has for our lives.

When we are young, we're often more impressionable than at any other time in our lives. The young person who can allow wisdom to rule over immaturity and impatience is a rare individual. However, if you are able to receive from the people God puts in your life at this stage, you will be so far ahead of your peers and you will be amazed.

Having said that, as if I was speaking to teenagers who I would hope read this, I also believe it true of anyone at any phase or age in their life. Having the ability to commit to a strength, a power, a vision, a singular focus and to embrace wisdom from those who guard over your life is a massive step to a successful life.

"God is continually preparing His heroes, and when the opportunity is right, He puts them into position in an instant. He works so fast, the world wonders where they came from," said A. B. Simpson. Often however what seems like an instant has been less obtrusive and/or obvious preparation. We would laugh if a shepherd boy thought himself prepared to be a warrior because he had a couple of encounters with danger a la David.

Quiet your spirit. Take more deep breaths. Consider deeply the words of the successful. Let God do the foundation work so that he can advance you to His ultimate purposes He has prepared for your earthly walk. I remain...


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