Friday, January 7, 2011

I'm On The Happy Side of Life!

Solomon left us many statements about the value of joy in the book of Proverbs. A joyful heart is good medicine, / But a broken spirit dries up the bones - Proverbs 17:22 and A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, / But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken Proverbs 15:13 and again a cheerful heart has a continual feast - Proverbs 15:15

Today we find ourselves as a worldwide community re-broiled (that can't be good for the meat can it?) in the same 'ol battle relating to the qualifying tenants of the Christian faith.

I'll bring it down to the vernacular: How can you know someone is really a Christian?

The question has no singular answer.

Oh, sure, you can point to things in the Bible that it says about knowing people are Christians but then you realize it says more than one thing. Does it then mean if you have one of those and not another that you are or that you aren't? Love (I John 2:3-11) is the greatest litmus test of our faith (or so it seems today) but if we are not agreeing on what that love is we are not agreeing on it as the final authority. James provides practical advice on whether our faith is authentic (James 1:27). There are objective tests (2 Peter) and subjectives tests to prove faith (2 Corinthians 1:12; 1 John 5:10). There are doctrinal tests (I John 4:2 and 5:1) and moral tests even (1 John 2:3). And, I didn't even get started...(Aren't ya glad I quit?)

The one thing you can know is that someone has had a Christ encounter when they have the testimony of a changed life that takes the form a bright and buoyant spirit. Jesus talked about childlike faith. Most of us take that to mean simple. However, a winsome spirit that is engaging and attractive as the Proverbs above describe is as much or perhaps more of a determiner as anything.

The joy that oozes from that kind of person, the one whose life has been changed by the work of God, well, it's simply contagious. Christians talk a lot about love and faith and hope, but we often fail to emphasize the value of joy, of winsome, wholesome, engaging, bright and exuberant joy! I find it odd that we can't or often don't see great joy is the spirit of a man putting things of this earth in their right ordered and godly place. This is even more evident when we remember back to the fact that joy appears next to the top of the list in the fruit of the Spirit. Remember? But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control -Galatians 5:22-23

I admit that my spirit affirms that should God hand out trophies to those who bear the right fruit, those who demonstrate love on a regular basis would win the the biggest and largest . . . but also as the greatest evangelical force, those who model joy would be right there with them; perhaps not the top honors but a clear, strong second for sure.

Laughter, light heartedness, the ability to see the great wonder and joy all around us are some of the most pleasing things we can experience on the planet and I am convinced that God loves it!

As someone once said, "Joy is the flag flying high above the castle of the heart, announcing that the King is in residence there." (Read that again.)

So, let's lighten up. Let's allow ourselves to rest and relax more often during spontaneous segments of each day. We should gives ourselves permission to fill those times with a little fun. Let's stop suppressing our laughter. Let's remind ourselves that a healthy and well-exercised sense of humor is as much a mark of spirituality as being faithful in prayer and being committed to the truths of Scripture.

You want people to see your Father in heaven? Your heart needs to rest in Him. If it is then you will realize that all that is here and now is but a blip. He has the whole world in His hands and He has YOU! Oh man! Beyond cool...beyond neat...beyond rocks baby! No separation from the love of my daddy Father GOD! EEEeeeeeeeOooooooWWWwwwwwww!

So get out your joy flag 'cuz it's time to unwrap that flag, raise it to the top of the mast, and fly it high! I remain...


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