Thursday, October 22, 2009

Being Lead to Fail - What's That All About?

The Lord said to Moses, 'When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.' - Exodus 4:21

Recently I took on some work where I became an employee. It didn't last long. In part it was frustrating because I believed I was being hired to do something I had done successfully in previous work only to find my new boss stymie my efforts at every turn. He said I'd be responsible for this but in truth it was not at all that way. Perhaps you've had a similar experience. You believe you know what to do but as you are in the doing of it your superior is thwarting your efforts, making it impossible to succeed.

Moses must have felt this way after God told him to go to Pharaoh and tell him to release the people of Israel. God had told Moses, I am going to give you the power to release the children of Israel by the miracles I will do through you." But that was not the whole story. He also told Moses that Israel would not be released by Pharaoh because God was going to put a hard heart in Pharaoh.

Now, what is THAT all about?

A relationship with Jesus Christ that is growing and maturing also means we become more aware of God's purposes and plans with our personal lives. I have had this experience. As a matter of fact, one way I test my walk with the Lord is to determine if I have a sense of His working with and in me as He had instructed me. I also know that I can expect roadblocks to God's plans for my life.

Rule #1 - It is NOT a straight line - It is NOT from God's mouth to my ears...

It took years of plodding along before the light came on as to why there was such a distance between what God called me to do and the manifestation of that calling. A few weeks ago I talked about David and how he was anointed as a young man (12-16) but it was years before that calling was actualized in his life. For David, this was in part because of God's unfolding plans in the lives of others (It is NOT all about you or all about me) as well as David's own lapses in faithlessness.

Rule #2 - God always has a bigger picture He wishes to unveil

The story of God and His relationship with the Children of Israel must last for thousands of years. That was a purpose Moses would not quite have a vision for and yet God did. God wanted greater glory from the situation. God also wanted to deal with Egypt by sending specific plagues. He wanted a deep and abiding lesson in righteousness and the consequences when it was not present.

Rule #3 - God will always keep His promise but do it in the course of a process.

In this case, for Moses, the process built character in him and tested the old guy to see if he would stay the course.

Guys, there is a time for everything. If God has called you to some endeavor and you are frustrated that it has not manifested or it continues to be beset by setback after problem know that times of preparation and simmering are required before the vision can be achieved. All of the above three things will be in play. Seldom does God call and manifest or deliver the promise simultaneously. You got your preparation and you got your God testing. Most of all is this, you will always have your relationship building between you and God that must take place. Once the Father is satisfied you will see the vision materialize.

So, today with me, let us seek God's face to know who He is so He can reveal to us who we are and the vision for our lives can be made clear to we can get on the road.

I remain...


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