You needed to read most of the background story…The scene is a follow-up meeting between Joseph and his brothers; well, more brothers. This meeting included one they had previously and conveniently left home at the request of their father and in guilt over the treatment of a previous younger brother, Joseph himself.
Suddenly, Joseph, this now great man, this strong-hearted and efficient prime minister of a mighty nation, collapsed inside. (Did you read until the very end?)
Had the years hardened him? Had he become less emotional as time went on and he had gone through all the ups and downs of life? Had his time with God prepared him for every situation so that he handled them all with calm and reserve?
No, truly great men and women, no different than you and I, are suddenly seized by those times in life when they can no longer restrain the wellspring of emotion surging within them. There is no composure. Their feelings bubble to the top. That's what happened to Joseph at this never expected moment in his very full life. This was a moment that was truly a kingdom moment. It is at such amazing, blessed times that words fail us. And, completely acceptable, as with Joseph we must get alone to regain our composure. Joseph did.
The Scriptures speak,
Joseph hurried out for he was deeply stirred over his brother, and he sought a place to weep; and he entered his bedroom and wept there - Genesis 43:30.
Close your eyes for a moment and picture the scene. With little warning, the handsome, confident leader of millions has turned away from his guests and rushed to his bedroom and collapsed in an uncontrollably sobbing heap! Twenty plus years of pain, heartbreak, loneliness, in a moment, passed before Josephs' eyes. All the loneliness. All the loss. All the seasons and birthdays and meaningful festivals and commemorative times without his family. It was too much to contain, like a rushing river pouring into a lake, swelling above the dam. His tears ran, and he heaved with great sobs. All of a sudden, he was a little boy again, missing his daddy.
There have been times in my own life when I've had doubts, when I've stumbled over great cracks that appeared in my world. Some of those have occurred because of the pain of my past. Many of them because of the pain of my time here and now. I've had those times when I climbed into my own bed and wept, crying out to God. I suspect I am not alone in this. Such times of pain, and despair are part of "Life 101" aren't they? I pray, have you not already done it, realize honesty in your identity, real rather than false or the protection of some kind of super-confident image is more hurtful than it is helpful.
The little verse that is Jude, verse 22 says, "Of some having compassion, making the difference. We can love through it, we can love deeply and in meaningful ways to those with whom we understand. It's comforting to realize we're in good company in times like those that our friend Joseph was going through. Isn't it?
Yes, it is true. Joseph had become a great and powerful man, admittedly, but he was also a real human being with real human emotions, who could step out of the corridors of power and have the strength to weep his heart out. Spending a life that might have destroyed others but spending it in the shadow of the Almighty created just such a man as he.
I remain…
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