Sunday, January 22, 2012

Putting Your Trust in A Cloud? Seriously?

So it was, when the cloud remained only from evening until morning; when the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they would journey; whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud was taken up, they would journey. ~ Number 9:21

Imagine living with the uncertainty of this situation. One day you work at getting your yard planted, redecorating the living room and adding on a family room. The next morning a signal is given and you have to start packing boxes and loading up the SUV and move. Your personal ability to plan your life is totally gone.


Perhaps however is the greater temptation to move when the signal (the cloud) did not move because you felt it was time to move.

For the Israelites, a people of a Promised Land, and with all the moving in their history, perhaps the grass was no longer green. Perhaps the water was not easily accessible any longer. Perhaps the bugs were a problem or it was too humid (ergo, the bugs). Whatever the case, they were strictly prohibited from moving if the cloud, the presence of God, did not move.

This next part is the hard part. Mostly because it is not part of our spiritual tradition typically nor of our American culture. It is still the same today. We are not to move unless God, in the form of the Holy Spirit. instructs us to do so. We are not to make that business deal on the basis of whether or not it makes sense, but on the leading of the Holy Spirit's "cloud" in our life.

The Old Testament was our tutor according to what we are taught in the New Testament. Israel, spiritually, was following a literal cloud. For you and I it can be a difficult process to move only when we are directed, and to remain if we are not. Why? Because we are not used to following an inner version of "The Cloud." And even more of a challenge with no practice to hear and follow the pressure is always upon us to move, to plan, to act from external forces in our life. How much do you think this happens in the Church, the Body of Christ today? I'm guessing a lot! And to add fuel to the fire this might be even more true when our personality and preferences meet the timing of God.

God's kids learn over the course of a lifetime to move when God says move. But we need to embrace the spiritual fact that Jesus came to recreate that ability and for this to occur.  It is a sign of hope and an act of faith when, in complete surrender and dependence on God's Spirit to direct our steps we gain the confidence and then have the ability to act out of watching the Cloud and then moving to follow it.

Ask God today if you are sitting under His cloud. Or, have you moved when He said to stay put. Have you even considered God providing you with personal leading? If not you have much to question about your faith.

May our anthem be:

In the glory of your presence
I find rest, for my soul
In the depths of your love
I find peace, makes me whole

I love, I love, I love your presence
I love, I love, I love your presence
I love, I love, I love you Jesus
I love, I love, I love your presence - Anthony Skinner, I Love Your Presence

The more time in His presence you spend, the more familiar to His call, His voice you shall become.

I remain...


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