I've been thinking about that. I am thinking I believe it is true. I also came away with a verum prior, a prior truth. For most Protestant theologians of the 15th through the 19th century truth is built on truth. There is always something that preceded what we now believe to be true. Ultimately, this truth would find its way back to the source of all truth, God Himself.
In this case, though I am sure those are the three end results of our queries of our Heavenly Father, what I believe to be a prior truth or, perhaps condition would be a better word, is that most of us are not prepared at all for Him to provide us, directly, with answers. Therefore, we substitute a more practical methodology.
At one level our ability to hear from God is tied directly to this question, "How are you at waiting on God?" And then, how do you determine if God is giving you the green light to move forward?
Most believers make the mistake of employing the double column list method where, by adding up all the pluses and deducting the minuses they conclude that God has given them the green light as affirmation outweighs the negatives. If they are sophisticated in this methodology they even conclude under what terms they should move forward.
The actionable reality of this method is this, several factors go into making a decision from the Lord but all of those factors are based on present reality (historical evidence as we interpret it) and not based on the Principles of the Kingdom of God and God's Rule.
I'll make this brief where it deserves much more information; but, here goes…
When we bring a matter before God it's important to do at least three things.
1. First, you should gather facts. Even the great Master Himself (er…Jesus) said a man counts the cost before He moves forward in a life decision. Fact gathering allows you to determine all the realities of a given situation. However, this does not ultimately drive a godly decision, but it can put a stop to it. For instance, if you were planning to build a major roadway and you knew the only way to move forward was to build it through a native people's homeland your decision may be made in advance. (Principle: care and concern for others and their interests should be the greater interest…providing there was no greater or appealing solution they would value.) But the principle is solid; God would not lead you to enter into unrighteous ventures that are harmful to others.
2. Is the Holy Spirit guiding you in your decision? If the Lord delights in a man's way, He makes his steps firm - Psalm 37:23. George Mueller cites that the steps are also "by the Lord." As a connected aside, God puts hedges around us, but many times we bull our way through the hedges under the guise of tenacity and perseverance. This too is unrighteousness. One wise brother in Christ stated that the greatest success we can have is to know when it is time to pull the plug rather than keep forcing a situation. Not all of life's circumstances are eternal. The problem is, because of a lack of time we have had with God, we are not familiar when He personally speaks into our heart. We lack His vision and an eternal perspective on the matter at hand. Practice the presence of God! And, that means actual extended periods of time on your knees, walking alone, looking skyward. It means learning from those who do practice His presence and stay in it themselves.
3. Has the action you believe God wishes you to take been confirmed? God has placed others around us to be used as holy sounding boards to our lives and to our actions; to confirm decisions and keep us from the deceit of our own seeming self interests. Paul, in speaking forcefully to the Corinthians once said these words, By the mouth or two or three witnesses shall every word be established - 2 Corinthians 13:1b. This is God's way of keeping us within the hedge of His protection and within earshot of His guiding voice.
I once read these words: "Write your plans in pencil and give God the eraser." - anonymous
To this day I remember them nearly daily simply because I am so poor at listening to God. In my haste I go on before Him. In my pride I believe I can figure it out without Him. May you and I both today both slow down, calm down but most all all bend down and listen more often all the time to His guiding voice. It is why you will have the Holy Spirit forever within you; so you may walk with Him and hear His voice. (Yes, forever…check out your New Testament…)
I remain...