Friday, December 10, 2010

The Real Move-On Dot YOU!

..."Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you".... - Joshua 5:9

My devotionals and reading and the notes I receive on things to watch and read and view online lead my mind off into many directions. This came from my devotionals today.

In this section of scripture Joshua and the people of Israel had just crossed the Jordan River. They were camped at a place called Gilgal. It got it's name because it was the first place of encampment after Israel was move from the "reproach of Egypt." But the action associated with this removal of reproach would be self-sacrificing and painful. You see, before they could proceed they were required to circumcise all the males. This was in fact because a whole new generation (represented by the males) had grown up while living in the desert through the travel of Moses, from whom Joshua had taken the leadership reigns.

This place is where Israel, like a worm in a cocoon, was transformed. I must tell you that the thought or idea of circumcision is not particularly invigorating and motivating for me. Circumcision is bloody and personal, and in a very real sense exposes all that you are. By this action at Gilgal God was saying that before you can become part of His people, His army, you must roll away the reproach of the Egyptian way of life. Thought it was true they had been separated from it by 40 years they had been raised in it's ways and clutches by their parents who had been steeped in Egyptian ways. To this new generation God was saying you are no longer a slave to the ways of Egypt. It is a time to put aside the old way of life. Many are walking around as goats in sheep's clothes, practicing a form of the purity of a relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but without the true source of truth and power.

Guys, rebellion is a part of the structure of the world and life we live within. It is in our midst. Sin in our midst testifies against us. It keeps us in our own personal Egypt and never allows us to enter the Promised Land of great communication, love, grace and God's ownership and leading in our personal lives. Our lives must be circumcised in order for us to come out of Egypt into our own Promised Land of spiritual blessing with God. Jesus is in fact our circumcision but we must fully embrace all that His life, death and resurrection meant. In this case, I would suggest we need to understand the depths of His sacrifice on our part so we realize how little we must sacrifice to embrace it properly.

In the above scripture this transformation I speak about marks the first time Israel begins to taste the fruit of the Promised Land. No more manna from Heaven. The manna stopped the day after they were circumcised. They were now fully to refine and enjoy the scope of the goodness of God and his culinary gifts. There was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate produce from Canaan with variety, flavor, zest and adventure!

So what is going on in our day that relates to this? I will probably not relate specifically to you. One thing that does seem true however is that God is turning our plowshares into weapons of love to usher in a new generation of His chosen people. But we will not be effective if we have the reproach of sin in our lives. Let go of the past. Hold onto that which is eternal! Ask God to show you what needs to be confessed and shrugged off today so that no reproach exists. The cross of Jesus takes away all reproaches. Enter the Promised Land with power and full of faith!

I remain...


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