Monday, February 15, 2010

Takin' It Easy - Not So Biblical After All

So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Return, O LORD! How long? Have pity on your servants! Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil. Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!- Psalm 90:12-17

This last week, at my favorite coffee house, as I prepared my lesson for Sunday, a group of 4 walked in, ordered their drinks and sat right across from me and my Mac. One gentleman of the group just started shaking hands with all the patrons. He must've shook hands with a half-dozen folks he’d never met before. Then he looked at me, and with a grin and a twinkle in his eye, walked over, bent slightly at my table and whipped out his hand in my direction. I grabbed hold, smiled and realized that this was a working mans hand! It was a hand you could strike a match on, toughened by decades of rugged toil.

"And a great day to you sir," I said. "You look like a man who enjoys life. What do you do for a living?" I inquired of my brand new friend.

"Me? Well, I'm a farmer from back in the Midwest. It is what I do and I guess I have gotten to be pretty fair at it."

"Really? I guess I'm not surprised, since you've got hands like sandpaper! Those are some tough hands!" "Ya, well son, yours aren't so much but you look like you pluck on that gizmo there pretty good. What do you do?" After sharing with him my work and passions he patted me on the back and said, "I like it!"

He then laughed . . . asked me a couple of insightful questions, then told me about his plans for traveling with his new girlfriend (and he winked). "She's the young one over there at the table."

"What did you do last week?" I asked.

His answer stunned me. "Last week I finished harvesting 90,000 bushels of corn," he said with a smile.

I then blurted out, "Ninety thousand! How old are you, my friend?"

He didn't seem at all hesitant or embarrassed by my question. "I'm just a couple months shy o' 90." He laughed again as I shook my head. Wow!

the man in front of me had lived through four or five wars, the Great Depression, seventeen presidents, ninety Midwest winters, who knows how many personal hardships, and he was still taking life by the throat. I had to ask him the secret of his long and productive life. "Hard work and integrity" was his quick reply. "Be honest, do what you say and do more than they think you can. That's all."

As we parted company, he looked back over his shoulder and added, "Don't take it easy, young feller. Stay at it!" This wisdom from a ninety year old to a fifty pluser...truly.

The Bible is filled with folks who refused to take it easy. In the Old Testament is the story of a man named Caleb, who, at age 85, attacked the powerful Anakim in the hill country and successfully drove them out (Josh. 14)? Or Abraham, the Father of our Faith, who had a baby (well, actually Sarah did) when he was "in his old age" . . . he was 100, she was 90 (Gen. 21)? Or Noah or Moses or Samuel or Anna, the 84-year-old prophetess . . . significant people, all.

Age means zilch. Wrinkles, gray hair, and spots on your hands, less than zilch. If God chooses to leave you on this earth, great. If He makes it possible for you to step aside from your work and move on to new vistas with fresh challenges, that's also great. Be sensitive to the spirit to expect to be doing more in your future, not less...

And whatever else you do, don't take it easy!

"No disease is more lethal than the boredom that follows retirement" (Norman Cousins).

As I typed this I wasn't sure of the deep spiritual truths other than I just was inspired by it and felt for someone out there who's butt might have grown a size or two in the past year or so, take heed! Death waits at the door, spiritually and physically of those who quit on life and godliness!

I remain...


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