Monday, March 19, 2012

Just The Facts or Just the Actions or...Door #3?

I just read John 9 and was reminded that playing with the facts of God's word and understanding God's truth; what He wants to accomplish, DO, with it are two very different things.

The Pharisees do not wish to change the life of a man who is blind (or perhaps know they can't) and so they wish to talk about the circumstance by which he ended up blind from birth.

Jesus would have none of it!

Francis Chan tells the story of the girl told by her father to clean her room. She had until he got home from work; by the end of the day. When dad comes home he asks her if it's clean. She says no. BUT...she has thought deeply about it all day. Further, she has written a proclamation about the advantages of it and its meaning to her and has formed a group of her friends to study the affects of clean rooms on the overall health of households and the environment. 

May it not be so of you and I and our faith in Christ.

Whose fault was it that the man had been blind? Who cares! He is seeing to God be the Glory and that God GETS the Glory!

I remain...
